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  Re: "Mieling" v1.5
my only complaint: I WANT BIGGER PICTURES!! your pics are only 240 pixels high.. make that at LEAST 400 pixels!! Especially if it is a creation this cool! It looks great but I can't see the details that I know you've put there! also the lighting is (...) (22 years ago, 10-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,
  Re: "Mieling" v1.5
(...) That's great! There's a bit more light in the pics too - it makes it much easier to make out the SNOT curved hull (which is very well done!) Cheers Richie (22 years ago, 9-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,
  Re: "Mieling" the Ambassedor's ship
Hi Nick, "Nick Oranzi" <> wrote in message (...) looks a (...) Changing it to black will not enhance your design I think. I find that using a lot of black bricks does not make the shape of a (...) (22 years ago, 9-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle,, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.adventurers)
  "Mieling" v1.5
After reading your replies, i went back and did a few modifications to the hull to add more color and flavor. (URL) to the old one: (URL) call it v1.5 because i still plan to do a revision replacing the blue with brown or red after i order the (...) (22 years ago, 9-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates,  
  Re: "Mieling" the Ambassedor's ship
(...) and this one is a beauty! The sweeping of the bow is amazing, the whole shape is nice and smooth and very "un-LEGOish". My only criticism is the overwhelming amount of black, as Don and Nathan have pointed out. (...) Blue looks okay, but I (...) (22 years ago, 7-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle,, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.adventurers)
  Re: "Mieling" the Ambassedor's ship
(...) I like it. I always like medieval ship models though you rarely see them posted. Good work. Perhaps add some colour contrast... God Bless, Nathan (22 years ago, 7-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle,, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.adventurers)
  Re: "Mieling" the Ambassedor's ship
(...) I do agree that i used too much black. the project began initially to see if i could make a good hull out of bricks. I just started adding to it with my black bin beside me. before i knew it, it was all black. the few tan details were added in (...) (22 years ago, 7-Apr-03, to
  Re: "Mieling" the Ambassedor's ship
(...) Not black! Please not black - as Hugh points out, there's too much black as it is. The combination of small pics and black has me straining my eyes (and the contrast control on my monitor) to try and make out the detail. Having said that, (...) (22 years ago, 7-Apr-03, to
  Re: "Mieling" the Ambassedor's ship
(...) The blue looks ok, there is too much black anyway, drowns out the detail. The overall look of the ship is great. I really like it. Great idea, good construction. Close to a 'junk' style vesel. Keep up the good work, Hugh (...) (22 years ago, 7-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle,, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.adventurers)
  "Mieling" the Ambassedor's ship
The jahmong ambassador is on his way to Sirob on the "Mieling". The black, single sailed ship cuts through the waves speeding to its destination. This is my first large scale, all brick ship hull (URL) am thinking about changing the canopy to black (...) (22 years ago, 6-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle,, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.adventurers)

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