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 Boats / *410 (-5)
  "Mieling" the Ambassedor's ship
The jahmong ambassador is on his way to Sirob on the "Mieling". The black, single sailed ship cuts through the waves speeding to its destination. This is my first large scale, all brick ship hull (URL) am thinking about changing the canopy to black (...) (22 years ago, 6-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle,, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.adventurers)
  Re: Proto MOC: Chinese Fishing Boat
(...) Thanks. I know, But I'm the kind of person who has to have it <JUST RIGHT>. I drive my family crazy when I do that! ;-) Nathan Lord of the LEGO (22 years ago, 28-Mar-03, to,
  Re: Proto MOC: Chinese Fishing Boat
(...) Thanks! After checking Peeron and Bricklink, I was happy to find most of the pieces in my boat were available in tan! Maybe I'll build a fishing village someday. Nathan Lord of the LEGO (22 years ago, 28-Mar-03, to,
  Re: Proto MOC: Chinese Fishing Boat
(...) Thanks! Once I grab a few of the Orient Expedition Junks available this summer, I'll rebuild some fishing boats and have a whole fleet! Nathan Lord of the LEGO (22 years ago, 28-Mar-03, to,
  Re: Proto MOC: Chinese Fishing Boat
(...) Enjoyed! :-) Really nice. And don't worry about the colours. It is LEGO after all. Play well, Jacob (22 years ago, 26-Mar-03, to,

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