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 Boats / *325 (-5)
  Tente boats on ebay
Of no interest to me, but some of you boat fans might like these: (URL) not the seller, nor do I know him, and I won't be bidding. Forgive the auction announcement in .boats! Ends 1/20 at 18:24 PST. Dave! FUT OT.Clones (23 years ago, 16-Jan-02, to,
  looking for help with some Props
Anyone have an idea of how to build a decent looking boat screw, or proppeller or wheel if thats your prefered term. I work at a shipyard and I hear all 3. I'm working ona model in mini-fig scale and the wheels I have no clue about yet. Can anyone (...) (23 years ago, 5-Jan-02, to
  Re: The ship after the dark ages
(...) is especially cool--something about liner windows just make or break the model. It's sort of Carpathia-lookin'. (Is it gonna have a pool?) (...) LS@H, I'd bet. That's where I get all of mine! :D (23 years ago, 19-Nov-01, to,
  The ship after the dark ages
Hey guys, After my one year dark age, I've finally begun building again. Just want to share these pictures of a new ship I'm working on (still need to work out some problems with the boxy look). It's a sorta trans-atlantic liner(ish) and I've gotten (...) (23 years ago, 19-Nov-01, to,
  Re: SNOT Boating, con't (LONG)
Shaun, That's looking great! The hull's "smoothness" is very cool, The POV'd thumbnail's actually look like a real model boat hull, not lego, great job, I was at my library last night picking some WWII plane books up, and I checked for some (...) (23 years ago, 14-Nov-01, to,

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