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 Boats / *195 (-5)
Does anyone know a good supplier of the masts from the pirate sets? (24 years ago, 12-Dec-00, to
  Re: Sailor-sites?
(...) (URL) (but you have to pay) (URL) not, obviously. Richard Still baldly going... (24 years ago, 24-Nov-00, to lugnet.pirates,
  Re: Sailor-sites?
(...) Hi, Check out Steve Jackson's Pirate game page at: (URL) the bottom he lists a couple of pirate related/themed pages. Maybe something there can help you. Sean the referencing pirate (24 years ago, 22-Nov-00, to lugnet.pirates,
Does anyone know of any good sites to go to for getting deck plans and such for schooners, frigates, or other sailing ships in general? Also, are there sights which state which sails are correct and such? (24 years ago, 21-Nov-00, to lugnet.pirates,
  Re: Cruise Ship
Cool! It reminds me of the new Disney Cruise ships. I like the way you manged to get the front of the ship to slope up using regular plates. An inspiration to all boat lovers. If only school would end for a couple of months, I could finish all the (...) (24 years ago, 29-Oct-00, to,

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