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 Boats / *165 (-5)
  Re: HMS Queen
(...) No heart of oak. No sails being unfurled to the wind. No piratical crews overthrowing the oppressive taskmasters that kidnapped and enslaved them. Gray steel and black smoke. Idunno. (mind you, a great Lego project) (...) "Arrrr, ye scurvy (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates,
  HMS Queen
Hi all- Well, here it is, the current phase of my last construction before departure. Purely aghast at the horror of a French ironclad, however decrepit and obsolescent, stalking the South Seas, it's only a matter of time before our intrepid Royal (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates,  
  Re: Pirate Gaming
(...) My apologies--I tanked them to make room for auction pics. I just have to figure out what my brickshelf password etc. are! best LFB PS: I'm leaving the East Coast on 9 August, so I probably won't make a PirateFest. (24 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates,
  Re: Pirate Gaming
(...) Hmm, we never did manage PirateFest '00 (though we had a good time at Brickfest 2000). Should we try for Piratefest '00 (can we manage it before Lindsay heads off?)? (24 years ago, 20-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates,
  Re: Pirate Gaming
(...) to be gone now. Have they been moved? Could you re-post them to Brickshelf? (24 years ago, 20-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates,

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