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lugnet.belville– LEGO® Belville™: products (information, opinions, reviews, etc.); building (settings, contexts, characters, projects, models, layouts, plans, tools, tips, etc.); inspiration (ideas, movies, books, literature, magazines, music, historical events, etc., as they relate to Belville); etc.

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  Re: LEGO® Friends 2012 Launch
(...) I personally hope so, because my girls still miss Belville. (13 years ago, 31-Dec-11, to, lugnet.belville, FTX)
  Re: LEGO® Friends 2012 Launch
(...) The new Friends sets are beginning to appear at WalMart US. I saw about 7 or 8 of them on a shelf a few days ago. My first thought upon seeing them was "is Belville coming back ?" (13 years ago, 31-Dec-11, to, lugnet.belville, FTX)
  Brickworld Belville Contest
From the Brickworld wire: Brickworld Announces a Belville (yes, you read that right-Belville) Contest. Rules are as follows: 1) The MOC can be whatever you like- build a castle, a service station, or any other building. Build a coach, a hovercraft, (...) (17 years ago, 13-May-08, to lugnet.announce,, lugnet.belville, lugnet.general, FTX) !! 
  Advent Calendar
I was so excited when I saw it on the S@H site I had to tell someone. LEGO® Belville™ Advent Calendar, set 7600, 215 pieces, $29.99 Canadian ($19.99 US). Large cat, kitten, teddy bear, bunny with carrot. Ohhh. Gail Meagher (18 years ago, 16-Sep-07, to lugnet.belville)

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