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 Aquazone / *829 (-5)
  Re: killashrimp
(...) I started with 1/2 of an Ogel Mutant Dolphin body (URL) Than threw in a pair of black hockey shoulder pads/bionicle armor pieces (URL) and helmets for eyes. stir and serve chilled.;) Pat Bunn (21 years ago, 13-Sep-03, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: killashrimp
(...) Thanks, What's Forsaken? Pat Bunn (21 years ago, 13-Sep-03, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: killashrimp
Dang! Nice job. :) What did you use for the head and beak? Very nice use of parts. Keep building. :) -Anne (...) -- For SCO to attack IBM using IP (\`--/') _ _______ .-r-. is somewhat like trying to eat >.~.\ `` ` `,`,`. ,'_'~`. a live tiger. -Ian (...) (21 years ago, 12-Sep-03, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: killashrimp
(...) Pat, This thing rocks! I have to agree with Joe in that: (...) I find the snout formation very appealing...keep it up! -Andrew (21 years ago, 12-Sep-03, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: killashrimp
(...) Cool! You have a way with organic shapes that I find really clever, from all the tentacle work to the helmet eyes. And best I can tell, you're doingthe Forsaken stuff:) Great work! Joe Meno .space paparazzi! (21 years ago, 12-Sep-03, to lugnet.aquazone)

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