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New MOC: Cowans Sheldon 76T Rail Crane with Power Functions - photos
lugnet.trains, lugnet.technic, lugnet.announce.moc,,
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 17:29:18 GMT
! (details)
4205 times
Here are the photos of my new Rail Crane with Power Functions:

It’s an 8mm scale model of a Cowans Sheldon 76T crane. Some details still to finish - I want to make sure it passes the scale load lifting test first. The scale load will be 6 full battery boxes, equivalent to 76 tonnes in 8mm scale.

The first few pictures show an early prototype:

This has 3 medium motors and 2 IR receivers. It provided a good test of where everything might fit (or not!), as well as the jib lifting mechanism.

The next few pictures show the second prototype, including the match wagon and relieving bogies. This prototype has the same quantities of electrical parts as the first one.

Showing this to some children provided a good durability test, as well as showing how the jib will rest on the match wagon. It was at this stage that I determined that the turntable needs to be able to rotate freely when the jib is stowed, so that the train can go round corners.

The final version of the crane

contains just 2 medium motors (behind the yellow 1x2x3 panels) and one IR receiver. I decided that adding a fourth motor for the second winch would not be possible in the space envelope, so I opted for a gearbox approach. One motor selects the function in the gearbox via a worm drive . The four functions are turntable, jib raise/lower and two hooks. The other motor moves the selected function. I designed the gearbox so that it is possible to select two functions at once, in certain useful combinations, such as either hook together with jib raise/lower. The four functions are fully remote-controlled.

The three string-driven functions use worms to prevent slippage when not selected. The turntable deliberately has no worm drive, despite ending up a bit too quick, because I need it to turn freely when the train goes round corners.

The roof lies flat quite nicely when the jib is lowered: and the crane just fits within the loading gauge of my layout. Like the real thing, it is a little taller than most wagons.

Power for the IR receiver and motors comes in from a 9V wire, which will go through one of the relieving bogies and connect to a battery box in a brake coach (like this one ). I will probably use another IR receiver and an interlocking circuit in the coach so that two IR signals are required to move the crane, reducing interference from members of the audience at shows - especially when the crane is approaching a tunnel!

I used small BBB wheels because wheelsets would not fit underneath and using 12V wheelsets made the bogies weak. With BBB wheels I can use Technic beams for strong bogies. The stabilisers operate in pairs by hand, using the white half bushes in the frames.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New MOC: Cowans Sheldon 76T Rail Crane with Power Functions - photos
(...) Very impressive. What is the electronic circuit that appears in the first picture? (17 years ago, 9-Dec-07, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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