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My revised skyscraper WIP pics
Tue, 10 Jul 2007 17:50:54 GMT
24788 times
I rebuilt my skyscraper under construction:

Here’s a list of the light bley pieces that I had to buy from several sellers here on Bricklink in order to build it (but not all of them are in what you see):


1x10 - 80x; 1x12 - 92x; 1x2x5 - 150x; 1x3x5 - 56x


6x10 - 50x; 6x14 - 26x

Compared to the first version I made, I lowered the overall height, varied the number of floors, added some roof cover, and added a couple of exterior walls.

I’ve ordered some yellow pieces to make some scaffolding and I plan to make some dumpsters. Then once some space in our den gets cleared out, I’m planning on putting it all together into a large diorama with barricades, cranes, trucks, workers, dumpsters, etc.

Suggestions as to what other details I should think about making would be much appreciated (a garbage funnel has been suggested but I’m not sure how to make that) :-)

Here’s the rest of the current set of photos on Brickshelf.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My revised skyscraper WIP pics
(...) Nice work again, CM Bob. I look forward to seeing it with all the paraphernalia of a building site (garbage funnel excluded). Spotlighted. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Richie Dulin (17 years ago, 11-Jul-07, to, FTX)

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