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Sea Monkey SeaShell
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.aquazone
Thu, 29 Mar 2007 04:44:07 GMT
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32450 times
With the discovery of the Forsaken’s Juggernaut

the Sea Monkeys began to develop sea creatures for their defense. One of the first creatures that they used was the hermit crab. The SeaShell is a small recon creature with one Sea Monkey rider.

Below is an armored version - there are bladders that can launch spears attached to the sides. The SeaShell is not an attack creature, so aror and defence was sacrificed for speedy escape.

The top set of antenna and cluster is a sensor array that is tapped in by the Sea Monkey.

You can see more pics at this gallery

Joe Meno

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Sea Monkey SeaShell
Very nice! I really like the concept behind this (and I'm not normally partial to organic/animal based ships). You're bringing back lots of memories of hermit crabs though... it's amazing to watch them swap shells, I assume this MOC has a similar (...) (18 years ago, 29-Mar-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)

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