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LDD Signal Box for Save 9V Trains Contest (and John Neal)
lugnet.trains,, lugnet.announce.moc
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:55:34 GMT
! (details)
1929 times
Here’s an LDD model of a British railway signal box.


The roof layout comes from one at Oakham, theough the steps are turned around here and the door set back to allow for a wider view from the windows.

The roof lifts off to show a detailed interior including a bank of signal and point levers, a desk with telephone, a bookshelf, clock and fireplace. There’s another door into the lower section under the stairs, although there isn’t any room inside.

The upload I link to here got deleted from the LEGO Factory Gallery, but then when I uploaded the same model again it went straight into the new ‘Cool Creations’ list.

(See also discussion of my first version here).

Now I know it’s not trains, but I have uploaded my red London telephone box to LEGO factory:

Telephone Box Click.

We’ll see if they like it now it’s been tidied up in MLCAD. If you’d rather just build the original, the instructions for that are here.

Jason R

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDD Signal Box for Save 9V Trains Contest (and John Neal)
(...) Tasty, Jason:-d Since my post (almost 4 years ago???) when I deeply coveted your dark gray low corner slopes, I made it a mission to acquire some of my own. And I have, although I have discovered that the 1x2 tri-slope apex brick doesn't come (...) (19 years ago, 29-Jun-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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