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The Sideshow
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce.moc,
Mon, 13 Jun 2005 06:09:33 GMT
!! (details)
832 times
Barker Bob:

“Ladies and Gentlemen... Presenting to you, from the far corners of the World... The Strange, The Unusual, The Bizarre!
Magnificent examples of the almost minifig. Come one, come all! And, enter if you dare!”

“From parts unknown, these stars will present themselves for your eyes to behold and wonder! Gaze upon these unequivocal marvels of nature. See all of these amazing beings, including:”

The Frog Man - Half-man, Half-reptile!
Snakella - A Beautiful Contortionist and Snake-charmer!
Bricko - The World’s Strongest Man!
Mystero - The Spectacular Swami who can read your mind!

“and much, much, more...”


“Hurry, Hurry! Step right up, because the show is about to begin! Only one dollar gets you in to see the greatest show on Earth! Step right up! Hurry now and witness...“

This MOC is presented to you in the modular-vignette style. Enjoy!

“Big Daddy” Nelson

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: The Sideshow
(...) Entertaining presentation. Nice diorama using the standard figures. (20 years ago, 13-Jun-05, to, FTX)
  Re: The Sideshow
In, Nelson Yrizarry wrote: Pretty cool sideshows! I just wish you could've used (URL) this> in one of them.... (...) Hey cool I didn't know I could read minds! :-P *Reads Nelson's mind* DAMN! You're one sick puppy! Legoswami (20 years ago, 13-Jun-05, to, FTX)
  Re: The Sideshow
(...) snip (...) What, no bearded lady? It's practically a gimme! grin .Steve "Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway!" (20 years ago, 14-Jun-05, to, FTX)
  Re: The Sideshow
In, Nelson Yrizarry wrote: Snip (URL) (...) Nicely done, this totally cracked me up. The whole time I was looking through the folders, all I could hear in the back of my head was "Alive and on the inside..." (Note - It's a (...) (20 years ago, 14-Jun-05, to, FTX)

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