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 Announcements / Creations (MOCs) / 2266
    Theed Palace Chamber —Amado C. Pinlac
   The Neimoidians seize control of the Theed Palace including the Naboo royalty without any incident. Queen Amidala remains defiant and refuses to sign the treaty that gives the Neimoidians full control of Naboo. Security battle droids are called upon (...) (20 years ago, 27-Sep-04, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.castle,, FTX) !! 
        Theed Palace Chamber (Interior details) —Amado C. Pinlac
   (URL) Interior pics have been posted...> (2 URLs) AC Pin (20 years ago, 29-Sep-04, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.castle,, FTX)  

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