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 Announcements / BrickShelf™ / 114
  Edit Folder Works!
I am pleased to announce that it is now possible to edit folder descriptions and folder keywords in the Brickshelf gallery. From a parent folder, you can use the 'Edit' command to select a subfolder, or you can use the convenient 'Edit This' command (...) (23 years ago, 20-May-02, to lugnet.announce.brickshelf)  
  Re: Edit Folder Works!
(...) Cool. While we are on the topic of BrickShelf(tm), what happened to the banner ads? They were gone for a while and now there is just the one for BrickFest(tm)... (23 years ago, 20-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Edit Folder Works!
(...) I discontinued the use of the 3rd party system. I'm working on my own ad system as a replacement. KL (23 years ago, 20-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Edit Folder Works!
(...) Cool. Should we be seeking refunds of funds not expended, then? What's the process? (FUT offline if you like...) (23 years ago, 20-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Edit Folder Works!
(...) You were the only person with an ad still running. As soon as I get the multi-destination thing working, you will get more than your money's worth of impressions :) LMK if you would like other arrangements. KL (23 years ago, 21-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Edit Folder Works!
(...) Really? Well so much for the banner ads as a way to make beaucoup benjamins I guess... (...) That works for me! (prolly should have taken this to email but since you didn't I'm happy to say that I'm happy that you're not going to have to pay a (...) (23 years ago, 21-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Edit Folder Works - almost
(...) One little undocumented feature - if the description has spaces in it, only the first word comes up as the default in the edit form. ROSCO (23 years ago, 21-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Edit Folder Works!
(...) Yippee!!!...!!! (23 years ago, 21-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Edit Folder Works!
(...) There's a bug ... the "Description" field is only showing the first word of the former description. If you save your changes without retyping it (or pasting it in) then it gets truncated! (23 years ago, 21-May-02, to lugnet.publish)

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