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 Announcements / 4205
    #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment —David Koudys
   I had the opportunity to set up the #OBBCSL in a studio environment and get it professionally filmed today. This is a quick vid I made with my cell phone at one point. Hope you like it! Dave K (3 years ago, 5-Jun-22, to lugnet.announce,,,
        Re: #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment —Dave Schuler!
   (...) This incredible display really demands more attention. Every time I check it out, I find more to admire in it. (8 months ago, 12-Aug-24, to
        Re: #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment —David Koudys
   (...) Thanks so much for saying this, Dave! It's appreciated! And having posts besides monthly dinners to look at is awesome as well :) Dave K (7 months ago, 10-Sep-24, to

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