 | | SCLTC holiday show at Nixon Library
| The Southern California LEGO Train Club ((URL) SCLTC>) opened its first ever show at the (URL) Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum> in Yorba Linda, California earlier this month. SCLTC joined the Train Collector Association ((URL) TCA>) in (...) (15 years ago, 29-Nov-09, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.trains, lugnet.build, lugnet.trains.org.scltc, FTX) !
| |  | | DATHeader (The Reviewer Tool) Version 3.0
| Today I have finished the work on the new DATHeader version 3. There are only a few new functions build in but a major redesign of the GUI. I hope you like the changes. As my standard webspace is currently down, you can download the new version from (...) (15 years ago, 21-Nov-09, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.announce)
| |  | | Festival of the Masters 2009 & my MOC: Wizard of Oz
| GFLUG participated in the 2009 Festival of the Masters in Downtown Disney (Orlando, FL) in front of the LEGO Imagination Center last weekend (Nov. 13th - 15th). This year's theme for building our creations was "Legends and Icons". This year, we had (...) (15 years ago, 18-Nov-09, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general, FTX) !
| |  | | Hispabrick Magazine 006 released
| It's that time again:we are happy to announce the release of Hispabrick Magazine 006 In this issue you will find a couple of articles about builders and their MOCs, a historical overview of Castle, some great ideas on how to clean your LEGO pieces, (...) (15 years ago, 18-Nov-09, to lugnet.announce) !
| |  | | *** LSynth 3.1 Released ***
| Hi folks, Don Heyse, has asked me to announce the release of LSynth 3.1 which is now available for download from: (URL) he has done all the coding for this update. My role was nothing more than whining when things didn't work as I expected them (...) (15 years ago, 18-Nov-09, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw) !!
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