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Small change in the top menu of news and guide pages
Fri, 4 Jan 2008 12:14:50 GMT
14152 times
Hi all,

following a very useful suggestion, I have finally implemented a new button in
the top menu of the news and guide pages.

Signed-in members will now be able to easily access their member profiles
through the click of a "Profile" button next to the "Sign out" key button in the
top right corner of every page.

If you have more such useful suggestions, please do not hesitate to flag them to



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Small change in the top menu of news and guide pages
(...) Thank you. It has been a minor irritation for years that I have had to search for my own name (or bookmark) to get to my own user profile. Yours is a thankless job. I just thought you might like to hear the positives once in a while. =) Keep (...) (17 years ago, 4-Jan-08, to lugnet.admin.general)

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