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BrickFest 2005 - Mecha Room Update!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce,
Tue, 7 Jun 2005 14:06:35 GMT
!! (details)
3043 times
Well people, let's get this show on the road, shall we?

First off, I'd like to remind everyone to fill out the MOC Cards on the
BrickFest webpage. It's pretty important, since all models with cards get
priority for space. If something doesn't have a card, I can't guarantee
placement unfortunately. So go fill them out! :)

Last year there was a lot of confusion over what MOCs were eligible for which
categories. This year I hope to prevent that by having an identifier on each MOC
Card stating what categories it is in for the voting. In addition to the basic
size categories, I'm planning to have categories for dioramas and non-mecha
support items (buildings, transports, large-scale weaponry, etc.), so get those
entries ready as well!

As for planned contests, we will be having a pose contest, inspired by the
ongoing contest here in .mecha. However, models will not be allowed to be
pre-posed; they will have to be posed in a short span of time before the judges.
I'll be posting more details at a later date, but don't let that stop you from
practicing! A second contest is in the works; details will be posted later.

I'm still looking for submissions for workshops, roundtables, and
demonstrations, so if you have any ideas, speak up! :) One round table we've got
in the works is a discussion of favorite mecha elements, so bring your bits,
pieces, ideas, and artwork for discussion. In addition, we're still planning on
having some mecha video games, including Armored Core and Gundam vs. Zeta
Gundam, as well as some mecha anime viewing sessions. Shows we'll sample are
Escaflowne, Five Star Stories, Macross Plus, Megazone 23, Zeta Gundam, Patlabor,
and VOTOMS, among others. Suggestions and comments are welcomed and encouraged.
In addition, if you would like to participate in or run a panel or workshop,
post or email me so we can get everything worked out.

And remember, fill out those MOC Cards to ensure placement in the room!

Jeff Stembel
Mecha Room Coordinator, BrickFest 2005

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