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[] Thank You
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Wed, 7 Jul 1999 18:35:39 GMT
3710 times
I would like to thank the following people on their contributions to the project:

First and foremost, the biggest thanks goes to Jacob Sparre Andersen.  Jacob
donated the server space for and has played a HUGE role behind the
scenes getting everything ready for the site.  He has gone above and beyond
what was originally asked of him and has helped me understand and set up
things on the server I had no clue how to do.  He has also provided valuable
feedback and suggestions for pages on the site.  Thanks Jacob!!

Second, Todd Lehman.  Todd has provided invaluable insight to me personally
about the project and about the site.  Ranging from advice about large
projects and group projects, to the occasional (badly needed) encouraging
email.  Thanks Todd!!

Also, Terry Keller.  Terry has been excellent with help regarding parts
updates and the memorial area.  Thanks for your devotion to getting us new
LDraw parts!

Thanks to everyone who donated towards the purchase of the domain name: Todd
Lehman, Larry Pieniazek, Mike Stanley, Terry Keller, Jean-Pierre Paris, Lars
Hassing, and Jon Van Zwieten.

And finally thanks to my R&D team of volunteers who did some needed research
for the site: Zlatko Unger, Jonathan Machen, Richard Dee, and Mark Nelson.

Getting this far on the project is quite an accomplishment and it is a joy to
me.  I'm looking forward to seeing the impact this website will have on the
Lego community and future LDraw users.

Thanks!! :)

-Tim Courtney Project Coordinator

AIM:   timcourtne
ICQ:   23951114

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: [] Thank You
Count me in if you need any help! I am doing the Dutch translation now. If there is anything more to translate in Dutch, mail me! Good work, again! -- Greetingz... Sjaacko Tim Courtney <> wrote in message (...) (26 years ago, 8-Jul-99, to

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