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Believe It Or Not: LEGO! -- Part 2
lugnet.mediawatch,, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 21:25:34 GMT
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1172 times
As promised, I have written up a webpage documenting the craziness I
recently experienced out in Hollywood... a rather lengthy webpage, at that:

Questions or comments are welcome, and feel free to corner me at
Brickfest if you want to hear more stories about the whole thing.


eric harshbarger

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Believe It Or Not: LEGO! -- Part 2
Hi Eric, It looks good. I was sorry I wasn't able to swing by and see the building in action. Will the Ripley's people let you know when this will be aired, and, if so, will you post an announcement here? Bruce (22 years ago, 7-Aug-03, to lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Believe It Or Not: LEGO! -- Part 2
Congratulations on getting such great publicity, Eric. And thanks for the write-up of the event. That was a very fun read. Out of curiosity, were those guys breaking baseball bats over their thighs while you were building? And if so, was that (...) (22 years ago, 8-Aug-03, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)
  Re: Believe It Or Not: LEGO! -- Part 2
(...) Wow, Eric....I've been living vicariously through your Lego escapades for 3-4 years now, but this definitely tops 'em all...congratulations! Can't wait to watch the show. --Dave (jot and jab) (22 years ago, 9-Aug-03, to lugnet.mediawatch)

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