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Kopaka Rehu - Bionicle MOC
lugnet.technic.bionicle, lugnet.technic, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 09:31:33 GMT
! (details)
1338 times

As the quest to liberate Mata Nui progressed, Makuta threw greater numbers
and more experienced Rahi at the Toa to prevent them from acquiring the
Masks of Power. Strong cooperation between the Toa kept them from being
overwhelmed, but individual mask hunts became extremely difficult.

Kopaka, who valued his individualism (some say isolationism) more than the
other Toa, devised a series of bio-robotic improvements to his physical
form. Although the power of the Toa come from within (that is, their
elemental "spirit"), the physical forms they use actually focus a Toa's
power and makes them more effective (*1).

With this in mind, Kopaka upgraded his form to augment several weaknesses:

First, enhanced body armor provided greater physical shielding, especially
in the leg and upper torso area. Improved hydraulics were added under the
armor to improve physical strength. An upgraded shield was also produced.

Next, bio-mechanical wings were added to vastly increase Kopaka's flight
capability - bringing it to a level slightly below Lewa. When extended, the
wings greatly enhance the "glide", or "controlled descent" mode of the Toa
(*2). As a side benefit, when the massive wings are folded in ("cloak
mode"), they provide additional shielding to blind spots to the side and
back of Kopaka.

To offset the additional weight of the improvements, endothermic thrusters
were added throughout. The cold-based reaction produces minimal noise yet
powerful thrust, and has a secondary use to extinguish fires. Four advanced
jump jets were added to the feet, while two main boosters were added at the
back of each leg. Tri-axis maneuver verniers were added at the top of each
wing, which offset the loss of agility caused by the mass of all the

Several "close combat" additions were made to handle situations where vast
numbers of Rahi would swarm Kopaka. Two ice sprayers are mounted on the top
of the legs, while a shoulder mounted auto-icicle cannon can reflexively
produce 100 sharp ice daggers per second. (These are actually "low
thought"/subconscious focus points for Kopaka's innate ice making ability)
In addition, variable speed cutters on the knees can produce a chainsaw
effect, or be used for grip when climbing or crawling on ice.

Lastly, two huge swords have replaced the original ice sword in Kopaka's
arsenal. Toragi ("Hailstorm") boasts a crossguard hilt and weapon catcher,
while Kogahu ("Ice Wind") has a triple guard with weapon catcher. Both
swords feature embedded gems to further enhance focal power. Each sword
allows Kopaka to double the firepower of the original, while combined they
produce four times the output.

Because Kopaka's physical attributes changed dramatically, Turaga Nuju added
a suffix to Kopaka's name to reflect this variant in the legends. Kopaka
Rehu: Toa of Ice - Storm Flight form, was born....

*1 As seen in DC Comics Bionicle #1. Kopaka uses his sword to focus his power
*2 As seen in DC Comics Bionicle #2. Foot thrusters ignite under Gali as she
controls her descent into the middle of the Rahi.

Website coming soon....

Mark Chan

If you haven't seen them yet, please feel free to visit my other creations
on Brickshelf, including models that won four awards in the 2001 Town
Building Contest hosted on Lugnet. The overall index is here:

Laural Hall - First Place, Medium building.

MLC Luxuria Roadster - First Place, Classic Cars - 6 wide or less

Ms. Oli's Italian Restaurant - First Place, Small Building. First Place,
Best Use of Detail.

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: Kopaka Rehu - Bionicle MOC
For those who are interested in the creation process: Piece count: 157 Major Sets used: Kopaka x2, Pohatu x2, Droid Developer Kit (R2D2), 3416 Women's Soccer Team (white 1x1 cones). Also used clear 1x1 "dots" from 5316, grey 1x1 dots from 5215, 1x2 (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
  Re: Kopaka Rehu - Bionicle MOC
(...) This is very nice! I especially like the legs - they've got a great shape to them. I also like how you've done the hands! Great job! You may consider posting this in build.mecha. I know quite a few people there who would be very interested in (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
  Re: Kopaka Rehu - Bionicle MOC
(...) town (Savannah, Tennessee). The only differences is that the clock does not exist and neither does the tower and a few other minor structural details are different but it definitely reminds me of the City Hall in my town. I like the classic (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
  Re: Kopaka Rehu - Bionicle MOC
Mark, great job. Thanks for the storyline too... nice tie-in to the Bionicle legend. - Steve (24 years ago, 31-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)

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