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 Announcements / *9514 (-10)
  Re: LUGNET Reunion group on Facebook
(...) (URL) JOHN (9 years ago, 6-Oct-15, to lugnet.announce, FTX)
  LUGNET Reunion group on Facebook
Those of us that book face are having a reunion rehashing the old days here on LUGNET. Check it out if you too book the face: https://www.facebook...459784471/ (9 years ago, 6-Oct-15, to lugnet.announce) !! 
  Brickaboodle now available for Mac users
Greetings, For anyone who uses a Macintosh computer, you may want to check out an app that I have created called (URL) Brickaboodle>. It is an app for keeping track of your LEGO kits as well as your own brick creations. It is available through the (...) (10 years ago, 17-Aug-15, to lugnet.announce, FTX)
  Brickfete - LEGO Fan Fest - July 4 & 5
LEGO fans, join us for our 5th Birthday! July 4 & 5 (10 am to 3 pm) at Delta Toronto East ((URL) for more info Tickets (URL) are on sale online until midnight Thursday, after that tickets must be bought at the door (cash only). VIP and Exclusive (...) (10 years ago, 30-Jun-15, to lugnet.announce,,,,,,,,  
  Europe court rules LEGO figures are 'protected shape'
Europe court rules LEGO figures are 'protected shape' June 16, 2015. From European Union (EU) court. LEGO registered the trademark in 2000 but it has been challenged by it competitors The shape of LEGO's figures (minifigures) is a protected (...) (10 years ago, 16-Jun-15, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,, lugnet.announce, FTX)
  Europe court rules LEGO figures are 'protected shape'
Europe court rules LEGO figures are 'protected shape' June 16, 2015. From European Union (EU) Court. LEGO registered the trademark in 2000 but it has been challenged by it competitors The shape of LEGO's figures is a protected trademark and (...) (10 years ago, 16-Jun-15, to lugnet.announce, FTX)
  Europe court rules LEGO figures are 'protected shape'
Europe court rules LEGO figures are 'protected shape' June, 16, 2015 from and European Union (EU) Court. The shape of LEGO's figures (minifigures) is a protected trademark and therefore cannot be copied, an EU court has ruled. Competitor (...) (10 years ago, 16-Jun-15, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,, lugnet.announce, FTX)
  Mosaic Maker fixed
All, unfortunately with the recent server move I did not realize that the Mosaic Maker ((URL) was broken in the process. Luckily there are folks out there who eventually let me know - so I was able to identify the missing pieces of software and get (...) (10 years ago, 31-May-15, to lugnet.announce)  
  FAO SCHWARZ - USA Luxury Toy Store closing their last (famous flagship) Toy Store
FAO Schwarz has been an American luxury toy store tradition since they first opened up in NYC in 1862. Their Fifth Ave. flagship store was the equivalent of Harrod's of London's toy department. Very up market and exclusive. The went thru way too (...) (10 years ago, 16-May-15, to lugnet.announce)
  Intermittent Outage Notification: Lugnet Server Move
Dear Lugnet Community, after roughly 8 years of residing on the same server platform, it has become inevitable to move Lugnet contents to a new server. We have had the odd intermittent outage because of server components failing, but much worse is (...) (10 years ago, 6-Mar-15, to lugnet.announce) ! 

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