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 Announcements / *1271 (-5)
  3rd Meeting of ParLUGment
Well, another successful ParLUGment meeting, albeit a small one. Jude, Jeff, and myself spent about 4 hours at Jeff's place, gawking at his piles and piles of containers of LEGO and his unbelieveable garage sale deals. Jeff has quite the submarine (...) (24 years ago, 10-May-01, to, lugnet.announce)  
  US S@H Specials, May 09 - May 15, 2001
(URL) Storage Bee $ 9.99 $ 4.00 2697 Farm Animals $15.99 $ 8.00 2830 Strawberries Forest Friends $ 9.99 $ 5.00 System 4990 RockRaiders Headquarters $79.99 $60.00 3050 Shanghai Surprise $12.99 $ 6.50 3411 Blue Soccer Bus with Ball $19.99 $15.99 Scala (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-01, to lugnet.announce.lsahs,  
  New sculpture for Mother's Day: #1 Mom
In honor of all of our mothers, I have built a mosaic for my mom for Mother's Day. Enjoy. The Main Page: The #1 Mom page: Adrian (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.announce,, ! 
  New MOC: Y-Wing Fighter
Hello everyone. Here's a link to a MOC Y-Ying I did a while ago. It's a lot bigger than LEGOs, and I think it's a bit more detailed. Well, LMKWYT... (URL) Adios, 8^) Brucey-Wan Visit My Site - (URL) (24 years ago, 5-May-01, to lugnet.starwars, lugnet.announce,, lugnet.general)
  Details of a Destroyer
FBTB is very happy to bring you two dozen pics and additional insight into Peter Nagy's Destroyer Droid prize from the LEGO 2000 Galactic Challenge Contest. Standing nearly 4/5 scale, and weighing nearly 100 lbs., it is quite something to behold! (...) (24 years ago, 5-May-01, to lugnet.starwars, lugnet.announce,, lugnet.general) ! 

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