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 Announcements / *1231 (-5)
  New Sculpture/Mosaic: Cleveland Indians Mascot
Right on the heels of Eric H.'s latest sculpture (and my Maven espionage plane as well)comes my latest little work, a mosaic of Chief Wahoo, the Cleveland Indians Mascot, in honor of the 100th year of the team's existance as a franchise. (URL) (24 years ago, 3-Apr-01, to, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general) !! 
  LEGO DNA Sculpture
A while back a number of 'mathematically inclined' LEGO models were posted and generated a lot of interest. Here's my contribution to such a theme: (URL) ---...--- Eric Harshbarger / / "Oh please, if (...) (24 years ago, 3-Apr-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, !! 
  More new pics of 2001 stuff
J.T. Puffins has a bunch of pictures and prices for sets scheduled for release in the upcoming months. Check this out: (URL) Harry Potter section is empty at the moment, but there are pictures and prices of 8 new dinosaur sets, 5 new racers sets (...) (24 years ago, 2-Apr-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.announce) !! 
  LDraw MOTM winner for April 2001
Well here it is, April Fools day, and I have to announce a winner to a contest. Sounds like a setup, doesn't it? But all joking aside, the winner for this month is Brad Hamilton. This is Brad's second win with his awesome architecture. Way to go (...) (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad, ! 
  New MOC: Giant Spaceplane!
My spaceplane (which some of you may have been following in my Brickshelf folder) is complete! A full 110 studs wide and as long, this spaceplane is chock full of details. Well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves: (URL) Lambrecht (...) (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to, lugnet.announce,  

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