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Request for New Animation Newsgroup
lugnet.admin.suggestions, lugnet.animation
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 15:50:07 GMT
146 times
Following BrickFest there have been some conversations in the
forum concerning the presence of “LEGO Animation” on the LUGNET site.
Several folks were surprised to find that there actually is a newsgroup
devoted to this topic at LUGNET.PUBLISH.CINEMA.  One of the reasons that
folks cited as not being aware of this group was the fact that it is
“hidden” under the Publish top-level group.

So the idea has been raised that a request should be submitted to the LUGNET
Administrators to consider creating a new top-level newsgroup specifically
for Animation.   At the moment I’m not sure whether to request that this new
group be specifically called “Animation” or whether it would make it a
little more all encompassing by keeping the name “Cinema.”   Either way,
we’d like to see a new group at the top-level devoted to LEGO moviemaking.

I think an argument can be made for this request based on a couple of things:

There is a growing interest in this aspect of the LEGO hobby as evidenced
this weekend at BrickFest by the number of folks who attended both the
animation seminars and the evening shows.  Even though the post count is
fairly low for the current group, it is higher than some existing top-level
groups.  And I think the volume of postings to this group would increase if
it were made more readily apparent to folks (especially those using the web
site as I tend to do).

Secondly, when I look at the stated purpose of the Publish group (General
publishing issues: legal issues, Internet service providers, operating
system issues, miscellaneous questions, etc.) I have a hard time connecting
that with the Cinema sub-group (LEGO moviemaking: cinema and cinematic
techniques, stop-motion animation, movie "studio" products, stories &
storyboarding, ideas, questions, etc.).   While the Cinema group might deal
with some of the topics listed for Publish, I think the types of
conversations that generally show up in this group are usually not related
to “publishing issues.”

I realize that creating a new top-level newsgroup is something that the
Administrators are not quick to do (and I understand why, since every little
niche of our LEGO-loving world can’t be represented by it’s own standalone
newsgroup).  However, I humbly request that the Admin’s consider this idea
and let us know whether or not it is feasible.

Many thanks as always to everyone that keeps LUGNET rolling along.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Request for New Animation Newsgroup
(...) ...IMHO, animation would be better if its focus is on our works. Cinema sounds more like a group devoted to discussing the use of LEGO in movies... (...) ...I agree! (cuz Greg told me to :-) (23 years ago, 5-Aug-02, to lugnet.admin.suggestions, lugnet.animation)
  Re: Request for New Animation Newsgroup
(...) ... (...) Excellent suggestion. It took me 1.5 year to find this group.... (but then again... maybe I'm a bit slow) Trond Hasse Lie (23 years ago, 5-Aug-02, to lugnet.admin.suggestions, lugnet.animation)

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