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Re: Ideal frame rates?
Sat, 12 May 2001 02:30:22 GMT
3545 times
15 frames per second (fps) is about the standard, or maximum you would want
to use.

In lugnet.publish.cinema, Dave Amos writes:
I am planning my movie, and I was wondering how many pics per second people
use/have used.  I have heard of people doubling pictures up, too.  If you
could shed some light on this issue and give me an example, it would be great.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ideal frame rates?
Actually, 30 frames/second is standard for TV/video. 15 is visibly jerky and acceptable for Web-only. -- Paul Davidson Jason <> wrote in message (...) want (...) people (...) great. (...) (24 years ago, 15-May-01, to lugnet.animation)

Message is in Reply To:
  Ideal frame rates?
I am planning my movie, and I was wondering how many pics per second people use/have used. I have heard of people doubling pictures up, too. If you could shed some light on this issue and give me an example, it would be great. -Dave (...) (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.animation)

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