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  Thoughts on LEGO Non-Disclosure Agreement
I also posted this (URL) an article> on my own site but there isn't more to read over there, unless you want to browse 1+ year-old archives of silly stuff. Now that the next cycle of LEGO Ambassadors is beginning, and I'm not part of the program for (...) (15 years ago, 13-Jul-09, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: Thoughts on LEGO Non-Disclosure Agreement
(...) While I may not be an Ambassador, I feel I can offer some guidance as to why the NDA may scare people. I think it's mainly because most people don't deal with them every day. It's a case of fear of the unknown and what the consequences will be (...) (15 years ago, 14-Jul-09, to lugnet.ambassadors)

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