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Re: LEGO licenses Indiana Jones
lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.adventurers
Tue, 19 Jun 2007 17:40:24 GMT
40 times
In lugnet.mediawatch, Bryan Wong wrote:
   In lugnet.mediawatch, Elroy Davis wrote:
   In lugnet.mediawatch, William R. Ward wrote:
   In lugnet.mediawatch, John Gerlach wrote:
   NEW YORK, June 18 /PRNewswire/ -- LEGO Group, the world’s leading construction toy manufacturer, today announces a partnership with Lucasfilm Ltd. to produce building sets based on the Indiana Jones franchise -- one of the most globally successful movie series ever made.

I suppose this means the death knell (or at least on-hold status) for the Adventurers theme, the way Star Wars killed Classic Space?

Still I doubt most people will be quite as emotionally attached to Adventurers..

Classic Space and Star Wars have two distinct looks. I think the only real difference between the Adventurer’s line and anything they do with Indiana Jones would be in the characters. Vehicles, temples, tombs, etc. are pretty generic. Unlike Space and Star Wars, the Adventurers and Indy could easily mix. Pippin Reed could play a leading lady, and Professor Kilroy already looks like Indy’s father.

But wait - since the old Adventurers and upcoming Indy line share so many similarities, wouldn’t it make more sense to only have one and not both? Besides, despite the two distinct looks of Classic Space and Star Wars, it was generally assumed that part of the SW licensing deal was to NOT have Classic Space at the same time.


I guess that was what I was trying to say. Instead of looking at it as one theme dying and another being created, I’m looking at it as a continuation, just with different characters. Especially since the last Adventurers set was released four years ago. And similar to Tim, I’ve got enough Johnny Thunder figs to replace a roomful of Indianas if I need to.

From a marketing standpoint, it makes sense to me. Instead of trying to market characters that aren’t that well known to the general public, the company can cash in on characters that are well established, and tie in to a new movie, all with existing parts.

Except the fedora. Hopefully they’ll create a decent fedora.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO licenses Indiana Jones
(...) There is an image on (URL) showing Indy. I don't know if it is final, but it looks cool. I am not into themes or lego product other than the elements for me to create what I want, but I am looking forward to seeing what these sets look like. (...) (18 years ago, 19-Jun-07, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.adventurers, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO licenses Indiana Jones
(...) But wait - since the old Adventurers and upcoming Indy line share so many similarities, wouldn't it make more sense to only have one and not both? Besides, despite the two distinct looks of Classic Space and Star Wars, it was generally assumed (...) (18 years ago, 19-Jun-07, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.adventurers, FTX)

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