| | Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
Well it's roughly halfway between Legoworlds, and my Cthulego Rising diorama has attracted a fair amount of interest, (see the last page of this months 'Sci-Fi' magazine for example) so here's a sneak peak at part of this years diorama. (2 URLs) (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) !!
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
(...) Mark, the unspeakable horror is awesome...that's a macabre death-flower to be sure, but the minifigs seem generic. Lovecraft often had an aged professor in the mix, dottering around with any combination of the following: old book, bullseye (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
Far out man. I feel like I'm in a Gwar video. Nathan (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
Oh my. It seems the stars are once again aligned. What those unfortunate adventurers need right now is a rousing verse or two of the good ol' Miskatonic U fight song. Great job man. F (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
(...) Mark - this is way too cool. I also had missed your Cthulhu rising MOC, these are all really fabulous. Keep up the good work! (I also made a minifig-scale Chtulhu some time back if you haven't seen it before: <link (URL)) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
(...) You're right of course Keith the Mythos is far more about knowledge then firepower so I'll tone down the number of non-improvised weapons. For what it's worth the professor and a native guide are just out of shot on this part of the diorama (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
(...) Nice little Cthulhu you have there, I hadn't seen that one, I like the use of Dragon arms. One day I'll get around to a full minifig scale (about a metre high I guess) Cthulhu, but not this year! Cheers, Mark. (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)