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Re: Orient Expedition and Designer Sets in CA
lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.general,,
Sun, 29 Jun 2003 05:04:15 GMT
6371 times
In lugnet.adventurers, Stephen Bishop wrote:
Hi all,

While waiting to be seated at dinner tonight, my girlfriend and I wandered
through a toy store neighboring the restaurant and what did I see? They had the
new Orient sets available (though no Dragon Fortress). They did have the other
three, but the prices were a bit higher than usual retail. Thought I would let
everyone know. They also had some of the new designer sets as well. (For those
of you in Northern CA, the store was in Toys that Teach in Rancho Cordova at the
old Nimbus winery).

At the Toys R Us in Sacramento, they also had all the designer sets, as well as
some pretty good mark downs of older sets.

Just thought I would let everyone know... so keep your eyes out.

The Lego store at Downtown Disney has the Dragon Fortress in stock (6/28).  No
Junk though!  I was tempted but with all Harry Potter at 50% off I finally got a
Hogwart's Castle (besides the two I sold previously when it first came out and
was in short supply).


Message is in Reply To:
  Orient Expedition and Designer Sets in CA
Hi all, While waiting to be seated at dinner tonight, my girlfriend and I wandered through a toy store neighboring the restaurant and what did I see? They had the new Orient sets available (though no Dragon Fortress). They did have the other three, (...) (22 years ago, 14-Jun-03, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.general,,

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