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Re: Strange Names Indeed
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 17:19:02 GMT
1633 times
In lugnet.adventurers, Adrick Tolliver writes:
Yes, it appears that she's the sister of Sam, and she then married the Baron
at some point.

It breaks down like this:

Alexia Sinister (Sam's sister) married Baron von Barron, also known as Alex

Ah ha!  So then his full name and title is: "the Baron Alex von Gluipstra"!
Much better then "Baron von Barron".

Now, don't we have some one named "Toki Barron on this list"?  Who is he
related to?  :)

Well, the Baron is a distant cousin of mine who stayed in Europe ;-).

Toki Barron

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Strange Names Indeed
(...) Ah ha! So then his full name and title is: "the Baron Alex von Gluipstra"! Much better then "Baron von Barron". Now, don't we have some one named "Toki Barron on this list"? Who is he related to? :) Adrick (24 years ago, 27-Oct-00, to lugnet.adventurers)

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