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Re: New homepage for LUGNET part 4
Thu, 21 Dec 2006 04:06:41 GMT
4925 times
In lugnet.announce, Rene Hoffmeister wrote:
   Hi all,

please see former discussion here:

Thanks to all who were contributing ideas and suggestions.

So here is -without much fuss- the 6th draft of a new homepage:

Known bugs: Upper header section isn’t displayed correctly in some browsers (but should be correct at least in IE and Firefox). I’m working on this.

Please post again comments, ideas, suggestions; I’d like to read your opinions.

Leg Godt!

Looking nice! I agree that the alternating background colors in the top stories section is not needed, and that the boxes on the left and right should all have the same background color. I also think the vertical spacing in the center column (editorial stories section) is too much and could be compressed a little.

Somewhat unrelated: I also noticed that the LUG map at shows very few LUGs. It gives the impression that there are only 6 LUGs.

The new navigation icons looks nice and the Helpful Links section is handy.


Message is in Reply To:
  New homepage for LUGNET part 4
Hi all, please see former discussion here: (URL) Thanks to all who were contributing ideas and suggestions. So here is -without much fuss- the 6th draft of a new homepage: (URL) Known bugs: Upper header section isn't displayed correctly in some (...) (18 years ago, 21-Dec-06, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.suggestions, FTX) ! 

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