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  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
(...) yesterday... (...) Thanks Dan! (23 years ago, 3-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
(...) Todd's list last year was a list for all posts since September 1998, IIRC. I may be slacking, but there's no way I posted half as much this year as last. But I think you're right in that some of the "newness" has faded. As far as MOC's are (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
(...) Most likely it's due to the new posting verification rules. It's been discussed that overall posting is significantly down since the email verification kicked in. Adrian (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
(...) 8th place!?!?! Oh holy cripes...Jill's gonna' kill me! I really had NO idea I posted here quite this often...I assume that this list isn't filtered for crossposts, right? So there's a CHANCE that I'm at least out of the top ten? GEEZ! Matt (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
(...) Hmmm ... last year we had 31 people with over a thousand posts, and this year only 9. Plus the overall number has gone down - any ideas what this is attributed to? The newness of Lugnet wearing off? I wonder if the hits are higher than last (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp)  
  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
(...) ok, this time it looks better: 121335 Posts, 2298 Unique names. SORTED BY FREQUENCY Larry Pieniazek 3739 Todd Lehman 1741 Frank Filz 1708 Mark Sandlin 1664 Ross Crawford 1554 Lindsay Frederick Braun 1288 Scott Arthur 1271 Matthew Gerber 1217 (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp) !! 
  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
(...) nono, my mistake. should have looked at the numbers before posting. working on a repost. :/ Dan (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
(...) that's OK. I posted 2 times. Ya. Right. James P (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
"Dan Boger" <> wrote in message (...) Ok this is lookin better. I posted my last post just after you sent this. -Jon (sigh of relief) -- | The Galactic Shipyard - (URL) My website - (URL) BrickBay Store - (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: Top 1000 noisemakers (was: Re: Posting frequency?)
Dan, please tell me I'm confused and not reading this right. A year ago Todd posted this: (...) have (...) And now this year you have posted this: (...) yesterday... (...) Does this really mean that posters have dropped from about 3000 to just over (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.admin.nntp)

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