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Re: Spam alert!
lugnet.admin.general,,, lugnet.admin.terms
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 12:31:45 GMT
5970 times
In, Benjamin Whytcross writes:
There's been another case of harvesting... I got an email at work today about
an egg farm for sale in Qld region. The seller actually stated where he got my
details: [I think that's right.] He said he got it while
looking for some other info.

That's pretty sick.  Is there any way Todd could add a terms of use for the
LUGNET website for everyone -- members, non-members who post, and people who
neither post nor are members??  That way he could legally forbid email address
harvesting and potentially bring legal ramificaitons to those who do?  Just a

I'm lucky I haven't beem spammed quite like that yet...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Spam alert!
(...) my (...) while (...) Unfortunately, such people are unlikely to take any notice of such conditions. And any legal action against them is probably doomed to failure, and will certainly be expensive. The best two solutions are probably: 1. Never (...) (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to lugnet.admin.general,,, lugnet.admin.terms)

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