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Re: posting preview (was: Re: Double the Fun)
Tue, 1 Aug 2000 02:05:05 GMT
348 times
In, Todd Lehman writes:
In, Frank Filz writes:
[...] How about an "edit" button on the preview page?

How about an automatic edit box below the preview, with a pair of buttons on
the left (preview and post) and a cancel button on the right (just like the
FTX page editing thingie but with different button labels)?  That way you
could just immediately start making edits if you needed to, and wouldn't have
to click an explicit "Edit" button.  And all three buttons would appear as
soon as you hit "Reply" so that you could jump straight to "Post" without
having to "Preview" if you didn't want to preview (analagous to "Save" and
"Preview" in the page thingie).   ?

Aah, sounding good. Another little thing, can we have a larger edit window (or
is there any way to make it re-sizeable, it seems silly to me to have to be
only looking at about 20 lines of text when about 60 fit on my screen).

Internet Explorer is so worried about people hitting "back" and stealing
passwords etc. that it discards all the modified text when you hit the back
button (or is this a known bug with a known fix, or some secret config I'm
not aware of, I'd like to override it, it's a real annoying feature).

Yow, is that with MSIE5 or a later version?  So you say when you hit the back
button to go back to the form, that the contents you'd typed in are wiped out
by MSIE and the form has been reset?

MSIE4 (I suppose I should upgrade, any good reasons not to besides waiting for
the darned download [though who knows, perhaps I have MSIE5 on a CD-ROM]?)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: posting preview (was: Re: Double the Fun)
(...) I wish edit boxes were draggable interactively like window corners! (Seriously! :) Hmm, I wonder if there's some JavaScript or DHTML thingie by which this could be handled interactively on the client side? --Todd (25 years ago, 1-Aug-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

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