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Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 02:21:39 GMT
2133 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Todd Lehman writes:
Obviously you
can't test something like layers in NN3, or frames in NN1.1, but those were
new features rather than bugs.

*Snort*.  So _you_ say.  My opinions on
web-browser-war "features" are on record


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
(...) Generally, it seems like a good idea to me to test more heavily on older browsers when backward compatibility is crucial, since the rendering and UI type of bugs tend to go away rather than to appear over time. Obviously you can't test (...) (25 years ago, 18-Mar-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

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