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Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
Tue, 14 Mar 2000 14:05:42 GMT
Troy Cefaratti <mnementh@nacs.netSTOPSPAMMERS>
718 times
Shiri Dori <> wrote in message
(FUT .admin.general)

Narf! This would be so cool if it worked... but it doesn't, not on MSIE.

1.  Make a generic favorite (can be any page, you'll be editing it).
2.  Click "favorites" in the toolbar so that the favorites window comes up
to the left of the browser window.
3.  Right click on the favorite you made earlier, and select "Properties"
from the menu.
4.  Click the "Web Document" tab.  This will give you a screen where you can
edit the URL of the favorite.  Paste in the Javascript from Todd's message.
5.  Click OK.  You'll have to change the name of the Favorite from the
"Organize Favorites" menu option.
6.  Drag the new favorite onto your "Links" toolbar

That convoluted mess will get you a nifty button on your links toolbar in IE

Unfortunately, that it about all that it will get you!  IE 5 doesn't seem to
want to process the java script, and when you click on the button nothing

Of course, when I did it in Netscape 4.7, it worked just fine.  So I know
it's not an error induced by cutting and pasting.  Appears to be a microsoft
induced error.  :/


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