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Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
Tue, 14 Mar 2000 05:12:39 GMT
466 times
In lugnet.general, Shiri Dori writes:
(FUT .admin.general)
Narf! This would be so cool if it worked... but it doesn't, not on MSIE.
Next, open up you browser's "Edit Bookmarks" window (Ctrl-B or Command-B in
Netscape).  This might be called "Favorites" or "Links" in non-Netscape
Now, from the File menu, select "New Bookmark..."
This is totally non-doable in MSIE.
In the 'favorites' menu there are only two options:
a. Add to favorites
b. Organiize favorites
(a) automatically adds the current page to the favorites toolbar.
(b) lets you create new folders, and to move current bookmarks, but not tov
create new ones.
Any suggests?

Nah! It can be done! (IE4). Create the favourite as normal then move 'em into
LINKS folder (create if neccessary).Done! Or just create the link in LINK ITFP.

Argh! I got all excited when I saw this...

Enjoy the excitement. All over again.

BTW ITFP=In the First Place.

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