| | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
(...) <smile> It's not midnight yet, so I still have my sense of humor for the day, and on top of that, I know that Larry's joking because he told me yesterday. :-) But just for anyone following along casually, a LUGNET membership buys membership in (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
(...) Right. So who's got a 1 lire note Todd can use? (that's actually a little less... consulting: (URL) turns out to be about 17 lira, or 123 Vietnamese Dong, or (here's big money!) 1726 !! Angolan New Kwanzaas (pity the OLD kwanzaa...) Those were (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
Larry Pieniazek <lar@voyager.net> wrote in message news:384CFFDD.D08D21...ger.net... (...) yet) (...) $123.50 (...) which is (...) multiplied by (...) smallest one in use is 5000 TL coin..:-) and even it is about to be canceled soon. The greatest (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
(...) Todd, can you tell me how much notice Pair gave you for the outtage and if you know if they sent word out to all their customers? I was always pleased with Pair when I used them and I see a fairly major website claiming that Pair just "up and (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
(...) The NELUG site is also on Pair and they did give notice that there would be an outage. It was also not down for 12 hours. I am happy with their service and them having to move to a larger data center can only be a good thing because it means (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
Well they still have issues. Right now, over a network, access to Lugnet is slower than it usually is for me when I am over dialup. Very unscientific but I have to get back to class now... Last time I did a trace/routed it didn't help shed any light (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
(...) I remember hearing about it around Thanksgiving intially, I think -- but I actually think it was even noted on their website a month or two earlier, before I really started paying close attention to the date. I received the announcement via (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
(...) Oh, I forgot to mention. Locating the server on triple DS-3's was getting too expensive. So we had so scale back a bit -- now it's on a 28.8 modem. ;-) --Todd (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
(...) Semaphore flags would have been a faster means of communication earlier this afternoon! :) Richard (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
 | | Re: Scheduled downtime: Monday, December 6, 1999
(...) Don't you just love the semaphore system? It was ahead of it's time.. 20 years before the invention of the telegraph, they set up entire lines of semaphore stations. I've seen a minor one in France, part of the Paris-Lyon line. Tres cool. I'd (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)