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Re: Important: Index rebuild under way and some other issues
Thu, 22 Jun 2006 01:02:11 GMT
6229 times
"Gereon "Jerry" Stein" <> wrote in message

[ ... snipped ... ]

Mike, you got me here: 8080 is certainly no port I heard of so far (it's a
common "high" port for some webservers, but AFAIK only 8000 and 1119 are
said to
have been used for NNTP client access).

Well, I was definitely using port 8080, yet another undocumented port?

Please tell me we have a misunderstanding here and you are talking about
browser_ access (which should work on the standard port 80 everyone is

Nope.  Using Outlook Express for NNTP access.

Otherwise, please specify the client program you are using and I will try
find out what's wrong. 1119 is definitely the NNTP server port and it
does work (I am using it heavily and lots of others are, too).

As far as I can tell, my employer is blocking port 1119 but not 8080 (which
I used to use.  I can connect to LUGNET via port 1119 from home or as I am
right now, from a hotel.  Any chance you make port 8080 work?

[ ... snipped ... ]


Mike Walsh - mike_walsh at - North Carolina LEGO Train Club - Carolina Train Builders - CTB/Brick Depot

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Important: Index rebuild under way and some other issues
"Mike Walsh" <> wrote in message [ ... snipped ... ] (...) [ ... snipped ... ] Caught the other post about the ports, I have switched back to 8080 and am now able to connect from work. Mike (19 years ago, 22-Jun-06, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: Important: Index rebuild under way and some other issues
Mike Walsh schrieb: (...) Hi Mike, I have enabled both port 8000 and 8080 (due to other user requests) for NNTP. We are now monitoring port usage and will decide later on, which one of these two is going to stay. Currently it's about 50:50, so the (...) (19 years ago, 22-Jun-06, to lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Important: Index rebuild under way and some other issues
(...) Mike, you got me here: 8080 is certainly no port I heard of so far (it's a common "high" port for some webservers, but AFAIK only 8000 and 1119 are said to have been used for NNTP client access). Please tell me we have a misunderstanding here (...) (19 years ago, 19-Jun-06, to lugnet.admin.general)

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