| | moonbase
| Anyone planning to bring moonbase modules to the Sep meeting? I'm trying to decide if I should build one. I wonder what color I should make it? :-) Amy (22 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to lugnet.org.us.michlug)
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| amy, hughes (score: 1.129) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.127) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.120) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.119) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.116) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.115) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.113) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.112) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.112) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.112) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.111) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.111) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.110) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.104) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.103) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.103) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.102) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.102) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.101) |
| amy, hughes (score: 1.101) |