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  *594031 (-5)
  Mothers Day Dinner - May 12, 2023
Well, a few days before Mother's Day... May 12, 2023, We will be here-- Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke @6:30 p.m. As standard practice (and traffic permitting) -- We usually hit the LEGO store at Sherway before dinner Hope to see you at either (...) (2 years ago, 9-May-23, to
  Lego 4x2 truck with 16-speed transmission
<<https://brickshelf...k16spd.jpg Lego 4x2 truck 16-speed>> <<https://brickshelf...dmodel.png Lego 4x2 truck 16-speed model>> Hi, let me introduce my lego 4x2 truck with 16-speed transmission. It's inspired by DAF XF 95 truck and its ZF Ecosplit (...) (2 years ago, 8-May-23, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
  April 14, 2023 (rtl)Toronto Dinner!
Into the 4th month of 2023... The years just go by faster now... Last month there was a (non)cancellation dinner that at the last minute was uncancelled... Sorry about that. We put our faith into the infrastructure and hoped that the plows were out (...) (2 years ago, 5-Apr-23, to
  Re: March Dinner - Friday, March 10th! (Before AFOL Day!!)
In the 'Better to be Safe than Sorry' Dept (1) I'm going to cancel this dinner as the weather is bad right now. It could clear up in a few hours, but the roads'll still be bad. And, as you know, we're driving in from the Hammer, and that's a fair (...) (2 years ago, 10-Mar-23, to
  March Dinner - Friday, March 10th! (Before AFOL Day!!)
It's taht time again! Dinner with Josh, Sandy and (we know who you are really coming to see...) Me!!! March 10, 2023, We will be here-- Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke @6:30 p.m. As standard practice (and traffic permitting) -- We usually hit the (...) (2 years ago, 8-Mar-23, to

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