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  Dinner!!!!! Again!!
Yes, easing back into a routine, we are restarting the old second-Friday of every month dinner!! I know everyone missed the Lego dinner.... Details- Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there. Dave K (2 years ago, 8-Aug-22, to
  Re: Feedback on Brick physics simulation - ROBLOX
(...) Let's say, hypothetically, that you released the 2006 client. (2 years ago, 22-Jul-22, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: The #OBBCSL 'Mini Movie'!
(...) Thanks Steve! It's appreciated! It was a fun day! Hope all is good in your world! Take care, Dave (3 years ago, 4-Jul-22, to
  New Trains 2022 - High speed passenger train 60337 and freight train 60336
Hi Lugnet train fans! anybody besides me who has looked into the new trains 60336 and 60337? I was pleased, that the train system is still available at LEGO. Of course not as exhaustive as the 1980 and 1991 roll-out of train sets, but still nice. (...) (3 years ago, 4-Jul-22, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Oh no - Crocodile disappeared in S@H / discontinued as trains are not selling?
(...) Hi John, yes we have been part of - what feels today like kind of - the gold-rush times in the LEGO Hobby. The community found together and LEGO as a company realized that there are these so called "AFOLs". And us collecting all information (...) (3 years ago, 4-Jul-22, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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