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  *579068 (-5)
  Re: Question about NXT rechargeable battery
(...) Hi Frances, Unfortunately, it may not be recoverable. Rechargeables can lose their ability to hold a charge if left unused for long periods. Having said that, I generally leave my NXT rechargeables attached, sometimes for long periods, and (...) (13 years ago, 16-May-12, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Autumnal Awesomeness!
(...) If you are referring to (URL) these>, then yes, they were mine as well (My son Ross designed the vase:-) Who, BTW, graduates from college in 2 weeks! C'est pas vrai!! JOHN (13 years ago, 15-May-12, to lugnet.trains,,,, FTX)
  Re: LMC - Painting 905 done
(...) We have that sort of carpet here at work. Another advantage is that you can keep some spare squares around in case something ruins a square or two. Since it looks like your floor is concrete, I'd make sure you get squares with quite a bit of (...) (13 years ago, 15-May-12, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Autumnal Awesomeness!
(...) As long as the end result is good, I'm all for clones and even for the mixing of clone brands, though I admit that I tend to be brand-pure in any given MOC (despite my usual "can't we all get along" stance on clones). I seem to recall a very (...) (13 years ago, 14-May-12, to lugnet.trains,,,, FTX)
  MinuteBot Base
There is a great project for creating a technic/MINDSTORMS baseplate on Kickstarter that could be a great classroom or hobbydesk testbase as well as provide a sturdy base (or side) for many Robotics projects. Have a look at the (URL) Base website> (...) (13 years ago, 14-May-12, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)  

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