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  *527036 (-5)
  Re: Curatorship
(...) Excellent Suz! I volunteer to be curator. (Or better still, co-curator). Cheers Richie Dulin (19 years ago, 26-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, lugnet.admin.curators)
  Re: Mayday! 4 new MOCs - Retro space - Thunderbirds
(...) LOL, ummm Chris, a "wow" and it has no motors??? You must be getting soft in your old age! Thanks, Janey Red Brick (19 years ago, 26-Apr-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Mayday! 4 new MOCs - Retro space - Thunderbirds
(...) snip (...) WOW.! Chris (19 years ago, 26-Apr-06, to, FTX)
  Re: We are your overlords!
(...) Looks rife for the animated LEGO treatment - I'm sure a little blutack would allow you to attach one of (URL) these> to one of (URL) these>. ROSCO (19 years ago, 26-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, FTX)
  Re: cool pics of the new figs
(...) Updated link: (URL) (19 years ago, 26-Apr-06, to, lugnet.vikings)

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