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  *38458 (-10)
  Re: Dear TLG
I have a suggestion for you. If you don't like them, don't buy them. Go buy a Best-Lock product. *Then* you will know the definition of crap, and you will appreciate Lego more. -John (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.dear-lego)
  Auction: 4564 and 4555 Train sets; Going 3
Both sets have advanced to Going 3. If there is no advance in bidding they will advance to sold on Friday 28. ---...--- #1 4564 Freight Express (1994) Going3; 140 USD; Larry Pieniazek #2 4555 Container Depot (1995) Going3; 60 USD; Matthew Richards (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to
  Re: New release of Train
What I don't understand is this: Why is it *so* obvious to us (consumers) what is needed and *so* obscure to them (the sellers whose job it is to produce products the consumers want) what is wanted??!! I mean, come on, 4561?, 3225?, 4559? THAT STUFF (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.dear-lego)
  Diana's various sets auction, update 05/25
Welcome to Diana's various sets auction, an auction of new and used lego sets. Updates are emailed to all bidders and anybody requesting to be on the mailing list. set condition varies. n = new in box b = used with box and instructions u = used (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to
  Re: It's so Wizard! ???
Steve Bliss <> wrote in message (...) Perhaps they dropped the phrase after seeing it panned here on Lugnet when the first catalogs came out. :-) -John Van (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: It's so Wizard! ???
(...) Yeh, but I bought the Hasbro figure of Anakin for a collector's item and one of the phrases he says is, "Wizards!" So what do we have two misinformed major compaies :) Ryan "Build or build not. There is no try." - Lego Master Yoda (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: First BayLUG meeting deemed "a success"!
(...) It was a very nice place. Plenty of space. Its a good idea to separate interective from noninteractive. It was nice that we were well received. (...) It seemed that we had a constant flow of people, as many as 30 at a time. Signs inside the (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to
  Re: It's so Wizard! ???
(...) Maybe it was an idea that was dropped from the final script (and no one told TLG). Or all the shots of Anakin saying "Wizard!" were overdubbed with "Yippee!" Steve (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Classic space
All I wanted to say is that classic space *ROCKS*! AAaaarghh!!!! Why wasn´t I borned 5 years earlier? I was borned 1984, and in 1990, I started wanting LEGO sets. Allright, you can buy them in auctions over the Internet. But my parents won´t let me (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to
  Re: Update 9904 released
Parts Authors: don't forget to update the Parts Tracker pages. Please mark your parts which are in the LCAD9904 update (and don't need more work). I have to post these reminders as penance for continually forgetting to do my updates. Steve LDraw (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to

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