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 Underground / OuterCore

The Outer Core: Ideas on expanding the “Underground” theme:

Updated: 2005-05-15

Here is where you will find ideas/inspiration for expanding the “Underground” theme.
Like the ‘Outer Core’ section of the Earth, all is fluid here....

   Bats, Cave Spiders, Rock Monsters, Ice Monsters, etc.
   Underground cities, secret bases, etc.
   The London Underground, Subway systems
Town/City themed
   Underground homes, parking garages, bomb shelters, silos, tunnels
Historical Tunnels/City sections
   “The Underground Railroad”, Parts of Seattle, Portland, etc.
   Caverns, stalactites, stalagmites, minerals, spelunking
   Mining Operations for Gold, Silver, Copper, Diamonds, Coal, etc.
Digging Equipment
   Dump Trucks, Drills, Excavators, Conveyor systems
Space Mining
   Satellites, Ships, Asteroid-mining, Planetary mining
   Underground mechs

If you have any ideas, please contact the Curators
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