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London Underground 1995 Tube Stock
lugnet.underground,, lugnet.trains
Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:51:08 GMT
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Mind the Gap!

This is my 95ts train. It is the third of my LU creations but the first one to be functionally complete.

The 1995 Tube Stock was built by GEC Aslthom Metro Cammell (now Alstom) as part of the PFI (priviate finance initiative) for the London Underground on a 25 year lease. The stock operates on the Northern Line and numbers some 106 6-car trains. 95ts is virtually identical to the 96ts that operates on the Jubilee Line but the latter entered service first due to ‘commissioning difficulties’. The 95ts entered service on 12th June 1998 replacing 56ts, 59ts and 62ts on the Northern Line.

The 95ts is arranged into 3-car units of DM-T-UNDM (Driving Motor car - Trailer Car - Uncoupling Non Driving Motor car). The latter car has no cab but a control panel to facilitate shunting. Two of these units are arranged back to back into one train. My model is arranged as DM-T-DM in order to have a (unofficial) short train.

Acquiring parts for this model proved to be problematic. I’ve had to use light grey slope45 2x1s because trans-clear ones are too rare. White slope45 2x2 doubles were used because 2x4s don’t exist. And; I’ve had to mix dark grey and dark bluish grey, the former is used on the roofs and floors of the cars while the latter is used in the car ends due to the 1x2x2 plane windows and 1x2x3 train windows only being available in the newer dark (bluish) grey.

One important factor in the design and construction of this train was the height contstraint due to the shape and size of all tube stocks and the tunnels the run in. I followed Jon Reynold’s 73ts model’s 8-brick height (including track) having experimented and finding it was the most appropriate.

The wheels of the train are the new ‘small train wheel’ type. Even with the fact that these run much freer than the old ones I needed WD40 (thanks for the suggestion Jon) to remove sufficient friction in order to allow the running using a single 9v motor. The motor itself required significant modifying of the car body, by using side-skirting and attaching the lower rear of the car body to it (instead of to the rest of the body) it fits sufficiently and doesn’t stand out too much. As such it means I have only one actual Driving Motor car, the other is in effect; a Driving Trailer car (there have been no DTs since the earliest 20th century tube stocks).

The body of each car is actually 5-wide. The 95ts has external leaf doors which I (off)set at 6-wide (car width) and the cab and car ends are also the same width as the door sections. The result is an interesting mix and a construction nightmare.

A small video of it running:

The Brickshelf gallery (when moderated):

“This service terminates at Edgeware” (or High Barnet, Morden or Kennington!)

Thanks for reading,


PS: My other LU models are a train of subsurface D78 stock (3 car) and a battery locomotive (known as a Rat).

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: London Underground 1995 Tube Stock
(...) ... (...) David, the train looks great. It's amazing you could get a scale train in at a 8 brick max hieght. I'll have to try the WD-40 myself. Does it have any interior detail, or a driver in the cab? I'm horribly lazy about building (...) (19 years ago, 20-Sep-05, to lugnet.underground,, lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: London Underground 1995 Tube Stock
Having travelled in that stock for a good few years (on the Northern Line), that is most certainly a well recognisable rendering. I wander if someone has built a suitable Lego tunnel for it. Of all the northern Line stations, the one that has be (...) (19 years ago, 20-Sep-05, to lugnet.underground,, lugnet.trains)
  Re: London Underground 1995 Tube Stock
(...) Thanks so much for showing this. I was actually on that train on the Northern Line on Sunday musing about how to build it in Lego and was very pleasantly surprised to see it appear yesterday. It is such a faithful reproduction in six wide that (...) (19 years ago, 21-Sep-05, to lugnet.underground,, lugnet.trains, FTX)

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