Steering and driving.
Wed, 1 Nov 2000 09:46:03 GMT
4436 times
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How to make a wheel mount that has both steering and driving
capabilities? Without using the special parts from 8880 Super Car.
I have made a couple of tests:
The thing is that I would like to build a vehicle in the lines of 8660
with six wheels and steering in both front and aft, and still have it
motorized. Of course could I merely power the two middle wheels but
then a carpet would stop the vehicle...
Thanks for your input on this one :)
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: Steering and driving.
| (...) this. However, the setup was much too bulky, and the friction inherent in the bevel gear transmissing made it mostly useless. So I'm not a fan of this kind of setup. Perhaps you can achieve less friction by using crown gears rather than bevel (...) (24 years ago, 1-Nov-00, to lugnet.technic)
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