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Dwarves for Distance Competition at BrickCon 09!
lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 19:20:32 GMT
! (details)
11319 times
Hey All!

Getting tired of the those pesky dwarf minifigs hanging around and getting
in the way?  Launch 'em!  At BrickCon 09, Castle will be hosting a seige
engine competition called "Dwarves for Distance".  This event is in honor of
the convention theme, "Imagination in Motion".

The basic idea is to build a LEGO dwarf launching machine.  It must be
entirely built out of LEGO, although allowances will be made for off-brand
items such as rubber bands, string, etc.  You can use gravity, electric
motors, Power Functions, Mindstorms, whatever strikes your fancy, as long as
its LEGO and it can launch a dwarf.

There will be two categories and trophies will be awarded.  The first will
be for Longest Launch.  The second will be for most dwarves fired in 5
seconds.  That's right.  You can build a rapid fire dwarf launcher!
However, in the timed event, any dwarf that travels less than 3 feet will
not qualify as valid launch.

For the purposes of this competition, a dwarf will be defined as a minifig
with stubby legs and a beard.  It does not have to one of the official
"Castle" dwarves.

Get building!

Josh - BrickCon Castle Coordinator

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